Why you should invest in commercial cleaning services for your workplace.

Did you know that attending a workplace can double your employees chance of catching covid-19? According to a recent survey conducted by the Office for National Statistics, the risk of catching coronavirus increased when those living with a household were going to work rather than staying at home. 

We know that experts are still continuing to learn about Covid-19 and how we can prevent the spread of the virus. However, we do know it is hard to determine if a person did catch the virus whilst at work because there are many other factors to take into account, such as how they travelled to work, did they visit the supermarket etc or was they affected somewhere else but the symptoms were hidden?

We also know, It is also hard to determine a workplace risk of spreading the virus because of different layouts and the distance between employees vary from building to building. But we do know that there are factors that we should take into account to reduce our employees risk: 

Are your employees working indoors or outdoors?

We have learnt that catching the virus outdoors is very small, so those that have a workplace that is outside are relatively safer than those that work indoors. When working indoors, employees are continually breathing in each other's air, which potentially could be contaminated with the harmful virus. We know that 1 in 3 people do not experience any symptoms at all, which makes this environment high risk. 

Is your workplace well vented? 

Adequate ventilation is crucial to help dilute the virus in spaces that people are working in all day. This could be done by opening doors, windows and vents or even using ventilation systems, such as fans or air conditioning. Steps should be taken to ensure fresh air is provided all day. 

How many people are working within the same space?

Working in close proximity can increase your risk of catching covid, especially if you are working with a lot of people within the same vicinity. It is important for your business to space people out within indoor work settings and reduce the amount of workers so that you do not crowd into small spaces. Have you considered a flexible working culture with working from home and in the workplace? 

How often is your workplace cleaned? 

Keeping your workplace cleaned regularly prevents bacteria and viruses from building up on objects and surfaces that are touched daily by your employees. Cleaning should be done regularly for it to be effective and should be done thoroughly to ensure to kill the germs in high traffic areas. Cleaning will also prevent your employees from getting sick from general illness picked up in the office and will help you to reduce the amount of sick days. 

Scheduling regular commercial cleaning from a professional company will help safeguard your employees and increase their trust and confidence to be back at work.  The Cleaners for you are a professional cleaning company offering commercial cleaning services to businesses within Kent and London. Take the first steps to protecting your employees and get in touch with us today to find out how we can help. 


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